Talent philosophy
We always persist in the talent first strategy
We always persist in the talent first strategy
The mission of New Hope Liuhe is “profiting farmers and benefiting food consumers”, in which “farmers” include those working hard on the road of corporate change and development, who are the most important capital of the Company.
We value fostering the lifelong employability of employees
As an old saying goes “Teaching a man to fish is better than giving him fish”, New Hope Liuhe values the effort to provide employees with opportunities of lifelong learning and lifelong employability, allows strivers to have competitive income, and emphasizes the objective of continuous human capital appreciation over the objective of financial capital appreciation. The Company respects individuality, adapts to and embraces diverse values and behavioral patterns, supports and helps its employees to give full play to their potential, and fosters and reserves talented people required for continuous growth.
New Hope Liuhe regards talent management as its number one priority of company operations and sees human resources as the paramount resource of the Company. Human resources are developed with the top priority.
We stress the morality, competency, ability and motivation of talented employees, and regard morality+ ability+ value creator as talented people with integrity, people who care about, love and are able to create value and bring benefits for others.
Play down power and emphasize competency in a businesslike manner. Stress the team awareness and build harmonious teams. Don’t treat others the way you don’t want to be treated so as to achieve harmonious development between New Hope Liuhe and the value chain.
New Hope Liuhe dares to provide newcomers with platforms for growth, emphasizes the pressure to grow and growth through trial and error, and fosters and selects talented people in action. We emphasize meritocracy, stay performance oriented and use talented employees with integrity by departing from the beaten path.
New Hope Liuhe people are required to be positive, proactive, honest, easygoing and caring, refrain from doing anything against conscience, strengthen personal cultivation, cultivate morality, be inclusive and give others help to the best of their ability.
New Hope Liuhe requires its employees to sustain the tradition of self-criticism culture, keep a humble state of mind, exploit the interplay between work and learning, accept and get well along with others with a happy mindset, so as to achieve shared growth between the Company and its value chain partners.