
  • 20

    It's in 20 countries

  • 50

    Build 40 enterprises

  • 4+

    It ranked the 4th place in 2017 Top 100

  • lidian.pngThe company is an agriculture and animal enterprise that carried out overseas business layout earliest with the broadest layout scope in China. So far, it has set up 40 enterprises in 20 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, with its business scope extending to breeding poultry and swine farming from fodder, and it ranked the 4th place in 2017 Top 100 Foreign Cooperation Agricultural Enterprises by the Ministry of Agriculture.

    lidian.pngIn 2015, the company concluded and entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with Cooperl Group, a leading enterprise in integrated pig industry chain operation in France, which has been implemented in the pork deep processing project of China's joint venture in 2016. This project will introduce advanced food processing technologies and high-quality raw materials of pork from France and develop high-end meat business in China.

    lidian.pngAmid the current domestic economic growth slowdown and the overcapacity of agriculture and animal husbandry, New Hope Liuhe's overseas business layout not only helps the company to gain new growth points in emerging overseas markets, but also enables the company actively develop overseas investment and financing activities by virtue of its overseas operation platform along with continued global economic downturn and imbalance between supply and demand of regional structure in agricultural and animal husbandry production capacity and financial resources in different countries, to seek conformity between global premium industrial resources, technological resources and financial resources with huge market demands in China, and further boost the company's globalization.